Emulsifiers are compounds which blend practically unmixable substances that is water and oil.
It allows to create emulsion and simultaneously assures its long life.
A lack of emulsion’s stratification undergoes by means of border phase stabilization.
Particles of emulsifier partially disperse particles of fats in water solutions or the other way round they stabilize emulsion and prevent stratification of phases.
A choice of proper emulsifier depends on its structure because we differentiate two ways of preparing emulsions.
- Water in oil (W/O) – it has oiling properties: it is especially recommended for dry skin.
- Oil in water (O/W) – light, mild emulsion which is absorbed well by the skin; it is recommended for every types of skin, especially sensitive one.
Emulsifiers offered in our shop are natural and ready-made emulsifying base has ecological certificate ECOCERT.
Each emulsifier has descriptions which help in preparation of ideal emulsion.
Emulsifiers are compounds which blend practically unmixable substances that is water and oil.
It allows to create emulsion and simultaneously assures its long life.
A lack of emulsion’s stratification undergoes by means of border phase stabilization.
Particles of emulsifier partially disperse particles of fats in water solutions or the other way round they stabilize emulsion and prevent stratification of phases.
A choice of proper emulsifier depends on its structure because we differentiate two ways of preparing emulsions.
- Water in oil (W/O) – it has oiling properties: it is especially recommended for dry skin.
- Oil in water (O/W) – light, mild emulsion which is absorbed well by the skin; it is recommended for every types of skin, especially sensitive one.
Emulsifiers offered in our shop are natural and ready-made emulsifying base has ecological certificate ECOCERT.
Each emulsifier has descriptions which help in preparation of ideal emulsion.