Modern cosmetics not only beautify, but also strengthen the skin and slow down its aging processes. In order to keep healthy look of the skin, hair and nails, one needs vitamins which take part in all basic body processes, allowing to its proper functioning.
What is interesting is their biological and physiological effects.
In cosmetics the use of both fat soluble (E,A,F) and water soluble vitamins (C, B5) is common. In most cases vitamins show multi-directional effects. They can be used as the following:
- moistening agents,
- regulators of kertinization processes,
- emulsifiers,
- UV films,
- antioxidants,
- substances inhibiting the creation of harmful compounds in the skin,
- preservatives (vitamin E).
Modern cosmetics not only beautify, but also strengthen the skin and slow down its aging processes. In order to keep healthy look of the skin, hair and nails, one needs vitamins which take part in all basic body processes, allowing to its proper functioning.
What is interesting is their biological and physiological effects.
In cosmetics the use of both fat soluble (E,A,F) and water soluble vitamins (C, B5) is common. In most cases vitamins show multi-directional effects. They can be used as the following:
- moistening agents,
- regulators of kertinization processes,
- emulsifiers,
- UV films,
- antioxidants,
- substances inhibiting the creation of harmful compounds in the skin,
- preservatives (vitamin E).